Climate change impacts every aspect of people’s lives—how does it impact work? What will be the effect of extreme weather on labor markets, especially in areas that suffer most from climate change? What are the ways to measure this and prevent negative consequences on people’s lives? How can the private sector and regulators create policies for climate mitigation and adaptation, to ensure a resilient and secure working environment?
Join Groundswell CEO Michelle Moore at the National Congress of American Indians Mid Year 24 Convention & Marketplace. The Green Track at the convention will feature an Energy Expo covering Pathways to Tribal Energy Sovereignty.
Join Groundswell and leaders from the climate space as we look at how leaders in the climate space address the disproportionate impact of climate change on communities of color. This panel will share insight into proven solutions already making a positive difference for communities of color.
On April 30, Groundswell, in partnership with the Community Church Atlanta, Stryten Energy, InterUrban Solar, the City of Atlanta, the Wells Fargo Foundation, and GM, celebrated the construction launch of one of the first community-owned resilience hubs in the Southeast.
Join the Groundswell team at Montgomery County GreenFest at the Blackrock Center for the Arts in Germantown, Maryland, for the largest annual environmental festival in Montgomery County, Maryland. GreenFest is organized by a coalition of public and non-profit partners.
Look for the Groundswell team at the Montgomery County Energy Summit's “innovation alley” on April 15! The team will share information about community solar and community resilience hubs during this event.